Sunday 12 August 2012

Ramona Falls

Ramona Falls: is an indie rock project founded by Brent Knopf and based in Portland, Oregon. Brent Knopf was also one-third of the band Menomena. The project took shape after Menomena's recording process for their third album was delayed. Knopf embarked on the project that gave him the opportunity to work with 35 other colleagues from the Portland and New York areas. Ramona Falls is named after a waterfall located near Mt. Hood, a place where Knopf used to hike as a child. It's believed that Brent played a handful of his own material at shows around Portland, Oregon sometime in the years prior to the Ramona Falls project.

 Ramona Falls
Amazing Ramona Falls
 Ramona Falls USA
 Ramona Falls Beautiful View
 Ramona Falls
 Ramona Falls Wallpapers

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